
Ann Symington Ann Symington Ann Symington Ann Symington
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Long Funeral Home
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"Thanks for all of the fond childhood memories from Maine. Your family has always"
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Condolence From: Marlene Hammond
Condolence: Symington Family,

It is my hope that the loss you are feeling in your heart will ease with time. Rest in peace Mrs. Symington.

Marlene Hammond
Wednesday February 13, 2013
Condolence From: Harold and Pam Crockett
Condolence: To Ann & Rick, Caroline & Wayne and families of Mrs. Symington Our deepest condolences are shared with you all. May the special memories you have all shared together remain with you always. Harold & Pam Crockett
Saturday March 03, 2012
Condolence From: John Hemingway
Condolence: Nancy Hemingway Watson Symington what a wonderful lady. I had the priveledge of attending both of her weddings. I think their were only two. Both very gala affairs. I remember sitting on the front porch of Glenhurst and watching the gifts come rolling in. They were stacked almost to the cieling at one point. Big time for me, Nanny Goat, let me open some. I thought it was Christmas without the fat gentleman. Unfortunately their were no toys for a small boy, just silverware, glassware, etc. Uch! I remember some beautiful days on the Anjucca and cooking lobster on Dogfish. She was always such a thoughtful person and I will always remember the great summers I spent at Glenhurst. I understand her family has been very supportive of the mecca of all vacation spots. Their are many stories I've heard over the years but one stands out that Bradley told me. While Nancy attended a game at Fenway, in the front row of course, Ted Williams kept flirting with her every time he went by her seat. I don't know what that meant to Bradley except he must have been jealous. Nancy will be remembered as everything good could be. Fairwell to my Aunt Nancy.
Thursday March 01, 2012
Condolence From: Marlene Hammond
Condolence: My heartfelt condolences to the family of Ann Hemingway Watson Symington. I remember Mrs. Symington as a person who cared about people and was always ready to help. She made everyone around her feel comfortable and was very down to earth. Mrs. Symington always listened and was a true class act. It has been 10 years since she moved from New Canaan and I still think of her. She will always be in my heart.

With great respect,
Marlene Hammond
Sunday February 26, 2012
Condolence From: Otis "Poppy" Page
Condolence: Nancy is my 2nd cousin. Our mothers were cousins, their mothers being Sampsons from Friendship. In that special way of Maine love, they were very close.

I met Nancy after War II at Glenhurst. I was 16, she ten years older. I fell in love with her. But then one day at Lakehurst she introduced me to a very handsome man named Dick Watson. My dream to marry Nancy was quickly subordinated to being a close cousin, but I never ceased to love her.

At the age of 18, Dick encouraged me to join IBM and I had no idea what that meant. But I did after college and was swept up in the evolution of the Computer Industry, all because of Nancy. All of the Hemingways were always very gracious to me, and Nancy sparkled like a rare jewel. I extend my sincerest condolences to her family and all who loved her. She was an extraordinary and special person.
Thursday February 23, 2012
Condolence From: rose mary and jayne fetterman
Condolence: Dear Carolyn and Ann,
Jayne and I were very sad to hear about your mother's passing. She has been such a bright light not only in your lives but in the community as well. Her passing will be a great loss to the community. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Jayne and Rose Mary Fetterman, Lewes Delaware
Wednesday February 22, 2012
Condolence From: Victoria (Nargesian) Bucklin
Condolence: My deepest condolences to you and your family. To my sisters and me, "Mrs. Watson" was the most remarkable of women. No matter the situation she was always so serene, and lit up any sized room with her smile. My sister, Sylvia, practiced for many, many years to mimic her legendary whistle that children throughout the neighborhood could hear, and bachelor buttons are my favorite flower because she wore one every day. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Wednesday February 22, 2012
Condolence From: john w. lowell
Condolence: My mom and dad always spoke highly of Mrs Watson(if I had called her Nancy I would have been told to "mind my manners"). My father,Alonzo(Gene),was a caretaker at Glenhurst for many years. Mother,Jessie,was a occassional cook and babysitter for many at the
"Estate". Nancy always regarded my parents as friends and not as employees.
One of my memories of Nancy involved a baseball. I had been invited to Glenhurst to play with some of the kids. I brought along my prized baseball as my contribution. Well we lost the ball in the tall grass and were busy looking for it. I was almost in tears when Nancy happened by. She understood my plight and had us get in the Glenhurst wagon,went to Westons Hardware and purchased me a NEW baseball. After that we went to a ice cream store and were treated to a double dip ice cream.
I aslo remember a card(maybe Christmas?) that my parents kept for a long time. Pictured on the card was the Watson family on the yacht Palawan-all happy and enjoying life.
I am sorry to hear about your loss. Mrs. Watson/Symington was very fortunate to have wonderful friends and family
John Lowell- Bowdoinham,ME.
Monday February 20, 2012
Condolence From: jeannette sanger
Condolence: Dear Cousins-Anne-Jane -Caroline-Kit-Stuart and David-I was so sorry to learn of Aunt Nancy's death.Even though she had been ill for some time it is still a jolt.I think Aunt Nancy was everyone's favorite Aunt-I have nothing but wonderful memories of her zest for life-her courage in sorrow and her great sense of humor-when Alex and I visited with her last summer she joked about her loss of memory-she knew me-but said to Alex-You are very handsome but I dont know you..It is hard to think she is the last of the "grown ups" to go:now we are on the front lines!I can imagine how sad you are all feeling but how wonderful she lived for such a long time and was healthy most of the time.She was such a great friend to my mother:I can imagine the two of them together having a glass of wine and gossiping about the other heavanly creatures and laughing about the family.I send you all my love-Alex and I look forward to reminiscing with you on March 3 much love-Jeannette
Monday February 20, 2012
Condolence From: Anne Oliver Jackson
Condolence: After I read the wonderful obituary of your mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and friend I was thinking about the long ago times when our families crossed paths on Weed St. in New Canaan and more recently since I have lived in Maine. When I first renewed my acquaintance with Nancy, perhaps 15 or more years ago I was the board chair of the Portland Museum of Art. Nancy had called to say that she would like to give the Museum a "nice" painting. Would we be interested in a Monet? Needless to say the PMA was thrilled. The Head Curator and I went to visit Nancy in Camden to discuss the details, but it was also a highlight to talk about old times in New Canaan. She reminded me that the day I was married in June of 1957, Watson "kids" sat on the wall overlooking Elm St. watching us come and go from the church. I reminded her that I came back to New Canaan briefly that fall after my new husband was sent off on a Naval exercise. I had a job as an assistant teacher with the Beginners. I believe that Anne was in this class?
We live in Yarmouth, ME. I haven't seen your mother since she spent a night with us here after a museum event but I have such fond memories of her. Such a vibrant, lovely, true lady! She reminded me of my mother who died some years ago. This was a generation of very special gracious ladies. My best to all of your family, Anne
Monday February 20, 2012

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