In Memory of




Condolence From: Darcie Norby
Condolence: TIna -- Christina I am deeply saddened to find out that you are no longer here. I can barely write this. I've known you since you were 18 years old and I have so many wonderful memories of you! You were such a beautiful soul inside and out! You had a way of making me feel loved! I always remember you saying to me upon greeting "Hi Beautiful" and you did it with your amazing smile -- a sparkle that only you could light! I'll always remember your humor and your laugh! You were there for me so many times throughout the years. Great times and then times that were tough. You offered a place to stay in your home when I was in between places. Your time your words your smile are what I'll remember most. You traveled to visit me more than once -- even miles away. It meant so much to me. We danced together we shared so many great times and talks about the beautiful things in life as well as the tough times we all go through in life. I hope you are safe and at peace and in your true self now. Flying in Beauty and Peace and Love. I will miss you so much! I will always have you in my heart. And I will always love you no matter where you are! My deepest condolences to the family Darcie Norby
Sunday August 27, 2017
Condolence From: Elizabeth Petro
Condolence: Tina my dear. We spent about 1/4 of our lives in school together, and I've spent years trying to re-connect with you. I'm so dismayed to finally catch up with you this way, and I hope you continued to live as brilliantly as I remember you. When you were on FaceBook, it looked like you were up to amazing globe trotting adventures, but rarely in SF, and then one day, you shut down your account and I haven't been able to see or contact you. We all missed you at the Hamlin 25th this last year and wished you were there. So I'm going to write you a letter and I wish it could reach you. It is mostly for me, but I hope your other friends and family read it and find some solace in it as well. When I met you, we were about 8, the same age as my big boy is now. We didn't feel as young as he seems because it was the late 70's and back then children were treated much more like adults. You would make corny jokes in French and I could hail a cab. What trouble we caused! You were a provocateur and I was a shy kid with no friends, so game for anything that didn't poke at my quiet core too hard. It was easy to become friends because we liked the same books. You invited me over to eat cookies after school, to spend the night in your celedon green bedroom staying up late telling secrets and scary stories. As we got older we went to the country where we secretly crashed a scooter and hid the evidence. We walked past the boys school slowly to look but never stopped to talk. We sneaked out at night just to wander the neighborhood and go to the swings. Always such a thrill, never getting into any real danger. When we graduated 8th grade, your elegant mother let you throw the party of the century with a real dj and counter culture dress up. When we went to high school, we both went far across the golden gate (I to avoid my over involved mother), you probably to get roses in your cheeks, so we carpooled daily. Then the calls started... for the younger readers, let me explain that before the internet, teenagers relied on wired phones to connect at night-time, and very lucky teens like Tina, had their own line, in their rooms. Every night for hours we'd recap our days, what did he wear, what did she say, what did it mean, and how did we feel about it? You told me to get over myself because I had the "best legs in the sophmore class" I told you it didn't really matter what so-and-so said because he wasn't really that cool anyway. Then one day, you had a boyfriend. You spent a lot of time together, and made out ALL THE TIME. and the carpooling continued, but the calls stopped. And then you made your boyfriend make fun of me. I wasn't sure if I made you mad or what happened, but it was a funny time for us. Now I know all teenage girls are just jerks to their friends sometimes. I blame the patriarchy. I got to be friends with your then ex-boyfriend when we went to college together, and we are still super tight, but I lost touch with you. We still warmly refer to you "Tina Cute". You invited me to your debutante party at the last minute. I was scheduled to work at my cafe job which seemed more important because it was the only job anyone in our family had at the time, and I probably didn't have the social graces to talk it out with you. I hope that didn't hurt your feelings or make you feel rejected. Anyway, now I've grown into a provacateur as well. It took me years and you have been one of my finest models for it. I've missed you for years, and really wish we could have grown old together. I hope your family can find some peace. Love Elizabeth Petro
Saturday August 05, 2017
Condolence From: Hedieh Khakbaz Loubier
Condolence: Dearest Tina, my heart aches with news of your passing, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Ever so kind, ever so talented, ever so beautiful...I shall miss your soft voice and stunning eyes, may you Rest In Peace. I will never forget our memories together. with all my love, Hedieh
Thursday August 03, 2017
Condolence From: Rob Macleod
Condolence: Dearest Christina : You were loved more than you knew . Your radiance and beauty transcended your self-effacement. Your travels were adventures , searches , new acquaintances ,and the last one too treacherous . Your sculptures evidenced your true artistic talent . You are at Peace, in new travels ,...much safer but greatly , greatly missed . Tears cloud my eyes/words ...I loved your spirit, soul, and mirth . You lit the candle at both ends . GOD watch and protect you forever . Love to you in Heaven ; Rob and Yvette MacLeod
Thursday August 03, 2017
Condolence From: Angelika
Condolence: Rest in peace dearest Christina! We will always carry you in our hearts!
Thursday August 03, 2017
Condolence From: Susan Fleischmann
Condolence: I remember Tina from our high school days as so secure in her uniqueness and true to her individuality, during a time when the rest of us were trying so hard to conform to the herd. I admired her then for that strength. My thoughts are with Tina and my condolences go to those she has left behind.
Wednesday August 02, 2017
Condolence From: Erik Reynoso
Condolence: Dear Christina, I will miss you dearly. I miss your kindness, your big heart, your noble spirit and your endless and beautiful light. Thank you for everything, thank you for being there and for the honor of having you as a friend. My dear, rest in Heaven... My deepest condolences to the family, may her beautiful memory live forever in your hearts. Much strength.
Wednesday August 02, 2017
Condolence From: Saskia
Condolence: My dear Christina, now I know why my feeling to you was so strong on Saturday...I am so sad that it was the last goodbye from your soul! The world has lost an angel who never wanted to believe that she really was one. I wish you find now endless love and peace. Thank you so much for being! And for being my friend! I will always tell my little son about you and keep you in my heart. I love you and I miss you, Saskia
Tuesday August 01, 2017
Condolence From: Connie and Tom Elliott
Condolence: Our hearts ache with yours over the loss of Christina and please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Losing a child is not the natural order of things in this life and we relate deeply to the need for much love and comfort as you grieve. With our great love, Connie and Tom
Tuesday August 01, 2017
Condolence From: Gerhard Fischer
Condolence: Dear Christina, you were a lovely and unique friend to me. I'm glad I had the luck to get to know you without all the heritage, just Christina as a person, smart, funny, understanding and full of love and wisdom, whom I'll keep in my heart forever. I hope you are at a better place now, watching us from the distance. My deepest condolences to your beloved family and friends. Especially Lucinda, making you so proud as much as a daughter can be of her mother. We will miss you, Gerhard
Tuesday August 01, 2017
Condolence From: Alain Benjamin
Condolence: My dear Christina, your vivacious kind hearted personality touched everyone. When the best people in this world leave us too soon it feels unbearably unfair given how much we need them. My deepest condolences to your family from San Francisco
Tuesday August 01, 2017
Condolence From: Owais Iqbal
Condolence: You will be dearly missed my friend ❤️. heartfelt condolences to the family. may she Rest in Peace, may her Soul be blessed.
Monday July 31, 2017